the most trusted name in water testing


Boiler/Cooling Systems, Alkalinity/Chloride/Hardness/Molybdenum/Nitrite/Silica/Sulfite

UPC Barcode:


Analyte System Method/Chemistry Standard/Equivalance or Description Comparator Cell
Silica Midget comparator Heteropoly blue 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 ppm SiO₂; By dilution: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250 ppm SiO₂ or 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500 ppm SiO₂ 9257 4025
Sulfite (Sodium) Drop test Iodometric 1 drop = 10 ppm Na₂SO₃ NA 9198W
Nitrite (Sodium Nitrite) Drop test Ceric oxidation of nitrite ("CAN") 1 drop = 40 ppm NaNO₂ NA 9198R
Phosphonate Drop test Thorium nitrate/xylenol orange (uses pH test paper 1.8-3.8) 1 drop = 1 ppm ATMP (Aminotri(methylenephosphonic acid)) plus conversion factors for ATMP-related phosphonates NA 9198P
Alkalinity, P/T Drop test Phenolphthalein/blended indicator 1 drop = 10 ppm P/T alkalinity as CaCO₃ NA 9198G
Chloride Drop test Argentometric 1 drop = 10 ppm Clˉ NA 9198O
Molybdenum Drop test Complexometric (uses powdered indicator for increased stability) 1 drop = 2, 5, 20, or 50 ppm Mo NA 9198
Hardness, Total Drop test EDTA titration (includes inhibitors to prevent metal interference) 1 drop = 10 ppm total hardness as CaCO₃ NA 9198B
Test Parameter Description
High halogen level may change indicator reaction from green/red to blue/yellow; to prevent, add thiosulfate prior to testing. Filming amines, quats, and biguanides may interfere and cause the endpoint to look purple; to prevent, add 10 drops of R-0884 prior to testing. Alkalinity
Orthophosphate at concentrations greater than 25 ppm will precipitate as silver phosphate to cause positive interference. This can be prevented by diluting orthophosphate concentrations below 25 ppm with DI water. Bromide, iodide, and cyanide at all levels titrate as equivalent chloride concentrations. Sulfide, thiosulfate, and sulfite interfere but can be removed by treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Quats may interfere; to prevent add 10 drops of R-0884. Chloride
Metal ions may cause interference; to prevent, add titrant containing EDTA to sample before buffer and indicator, then test as normal making sure to count drops of titrant added initially in total required to reach endpoint. If interference still occurs, dilute sample with DI water as necessary and retest. Quats may cause interference. Hardness
Test should be run on clean, clear sample; filter out colloidal color and turbidity before beginning test procedure. High concentrations of HEDP (over 30 ppm) may cause positive interference; to prevent, test for interfering phosphonate, dilute sample with DI water as necessary, and retest. Thiocarbamate-based biocides may cause interference; to prevent, do not test while feeding thiocarbamates into water system. Sodium nitrite over 800 ppm may cause negative interference; to eliminate, dilute sample with distilled, deionized, or molybdenum- and nitrite-free water then retest. Molybdenum
Iron may cause positive interference; to prevent, dilute sample with DI water as necessary and retest. Sulfide and tannin may cause negative interference; to prevent, dilute sample with DI water as necessary and retest. Silica
Erythorbic acid, sulfide and ferrous iron may cause positive interference; to prevent, test for suspected interfering agent, dilute sample with DI water as necessary, and retest. Copper and nitrite may cause negative interference; to prevent, test for suspected interfering agent, dilute sample with DI water as necessary, and retest. Delay between taking sample and testing may cause negative interference; to prevent, perform test immediately after sample is taken. Quats may cause interference by forming a precipitate and causing a yellow endpoint. Sulfite
Glycol may cause interference; to prevent, use "CAN" test method (cerium oxidation of nitrite) on glycol-treated systems. Quats may cause interference by forming a precipitate. Nitrite
Iron > 10 ppm may cause negative interference. Ortho- and polyphosphate may cause positive interference; to prevent, test for interfering agent, dilute sample with DI water as necessary, and retest. Positive interference caused by EDTA at all levels. Filming amines and quats may cause negative interference; to prevent, add 3 drops of R-0884. Phosphonate


As with all perishables, test strips are sensitive to environmental influences and will last longer under controlled conditions.

To this end, we recommend:

  • Storing test strips at a consistent temperature in the range of 36°–85°F (2°–29°C); storing test strips in a refrigerator can prolong the shelf life, but the bottle must be warmed to room temperature before opening to avoid condensation.   
  • Keeping them out of prolonged direct sunlight.
  • Segregating test strips from containers of treatment chemicals.
  • Replacing bottle lids immediately to reduce exposure to air and humidity.

Taylor formulates its test strips to remain effective for two years, the only exception being Salt test strips which last one year. As a general precaution, replace all test strips more than one year old, or at the beginning of a new testing season.